We have only a few days left. There are still Fuji, Cameo, Mutsu, Gold Rush and Pink Lady apples left. We still have jams and apple butter, applesauce and some canned peaches. I will have hours from 10-5 through Wednesday. Don't forget to pick up your pies on Wednesday if you have placed an order!
We'll close after Thursday at noon. I plan to be at the farm on Saturdays in January. I'll try to let you know what we have then. Call if you need anything special and leave a number where I can get back to you. Thanks for getting us through the year.
Amy and Gary
Monday, December 21, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Christmas Pie Orders due this week!
Don't miss your last chance until next June. Here's the list:
Regular Apple, Apple Crumb, Rustic Apple, Pumpkin, Sour Cherry, Mixed Berry and Mince.
Of course the fruit is from the farm and everything else is homemade, so it's amazing.
Call the farm or stop in with your order. Pick up is Wed. 12/23.
We STILL have apples available, Fuji,Cameo,Mutsu,Sun Crisp,Granny Smith,Pink Lady and Gold Rush. I'm shipping out gift baskets daily, so hurry up and get your order in!
Gary and Chris are making cider this morning
so be sure to get some when you're at the farm.
Anya did a great job making food for us on Saturday at the Open House.
There's still some soups, hummus, and amazing cakes you can get-
all available to make your life easier and tastier!
Sarah's centerpieces are selling but you can get one, too. Just stop on in.
Karen's beaded serving pieces are almost gone from the farm but you can visit her open house this Wednesday. Check out her website for more info: www.kasartware.com/blog/
Regular Apple, Apple Crumb, Rustic Apple, Pumpkin, Sour Cherry, Mixed Berry and Mince.
Of course the fruit is from the farm and everything else is homemade, so it's amazing.
Call the farm or stop in with your order. Pick up is Wed. 12/23.
We STILL have apples available, Fuji,Cameo,Mutsu,Sun Crisp,Granny Smith,Pink Lady and Gold Rush. I'm shipping out gift baskets daily, so hurry up and get your order in!
Gary and Chris are making cider this morning
so be sure to get some when you're at the farm.
Anya did a great job making food for us on Saturday at the Open House.
There's still some soups, hummus, and amazing cakes you can get-
all available to make your life easier and tastier!
Sarah's centerpieces are selling but you can get one, too. Just stop on in.
Karen's beaded serving pieces are almost gone from the farm but you can visit her open house this Wednesday. Check out her website for more info: www.kasartware.com/blog/
Monday, December 7, 2009
Holiday Open House
Coming this Saturday, our 3rd Annual Holiday Open House.
Anya will be making lots of delicious cakes, appetizers and great tasting soup. Sarah is keeping busy creating amazing holiday centerpieces and accents from fresh greens. We have some great local crafters bringing in their wares for us as well. Just add some delicious preserves or applesauce and peaches and you've got holiday gifting all wrapped up.
Anya will be making lots of delicious cakes, appetizers and great tasting soup. Sarah is keeping busy creating amazing holiday centerpieces and accents from fresh greens. We have some great local crafters bringing in their wares for us as well. Just add some delicious preserves or applesauce and peaches and you've got holiday gifting all wrapped up.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
We made it to Thursday. Yeah, turkey day!
Only one person forgot their pie pickup out of 76.
"Pie Now" did a great job with all our orders.
Thanks to the pie lady!
We sold out of cider but plan to make it again soon.
I will not be open Friday,
but Saturday you can stop by for apples
and check out our selection of hand made crafts.
Our plan is to keep the market open until Dec. 24th.
If we still have apples, I'll open Saturdays in January.
The Centerpiece workshop is scheduled for 12/1 and 12/2.
Last year there were some beautiful arrangements created.
This year the price is still $35 to participate and all the supplies are provided, as well as any help you might need with your assembly!
Call the farm (215-297-8220) if you'd like to participate.
There is one evening and one day available.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Pie Update
Order your Thanksgiving Pies. We've finally got the list to choose from:
Apple, Apple Crunch, Cranberry Apple, Rustic Apple, Pumpkin, Spiced Pumpkin Nut, Coconut Custard, Sour Cherry and Pecan.
Last day to order is 11/19. Call us with questions and of course come by on Fridays to get a head start on the pie eating!
Apple, Apple Crunch, Cranberry Apple, Rustic Apple, Pumpkin, Spiced Pumpkin Nut, Coconut Custard, Sour Cherry and Pecan.
Last day to order is 11/19. Call us with questions and of course come by on Fridays to get a head start on the pie eating!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
I finally did a good batch of Sour Cherry Jam. mmmmm.
Now what to do with the runny batch...I'm thinking ice cream topping?
If you're waiting, wait no more.
It's going to be fun coming up with the seedless blackberry, I think I'll put some apples into the mix for added pectin. Then onto seedless Black Raspberry. Keep checking in the next few weeks as we work out the kinks!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Our applesauce is finally ready! All those people who are asking and ready to stock up for the holiday and the winter....it's time!

Buzz got cider from our first pressing!
Lucky guy.
We immediately sold out, so keep checking back
we'll make it a couple times a week.
Monday, October 19, 2009
busy, rainy week
Wow. We jumped ship last Sat and went to GA to visit my brother Doug and his family.
It's amazingly nice to leave town! We returned just as the rains arrived at the farm and managed to get some apples picked: the sun crisp, winesap, stayman and fuji.
We had the boys pick raspberries on Sat. while Gary drove to the Gettysburg area with our applesauce apples. 150 bushels of apples made the trek out and we hope to pick up our applesauce before the week is out. I know people are planning to get their applesauce as soon as it's in because we sold out last year. So don't be the last one!!
Today we finally got all the parts for the cider press and set up a trial pressing. Stop by for a sample and to get your fresh pressed juice! It's amazing how something so simple can take so long to do...it's only been on the list for 5 years now. But we're ready to move forward and I know Chris is planning some Hard Cider for the holidays...
I'll have pictures soon, couldn't find the connection this evening or maybe I'm just too tired.
It's amazingly nice to leave town! We returned just as the rains arrived at the farm and managed to get some apples picked: the sun crisp, winesap, stayman and fuji.
We had the boys pick raspberries on Sat. while Gary drove to the Gettysburg area with our applesauce apples. 150 bushels of apples made the trek out and we hope to pick up our applesauce before the week is out. I know people are planning to get their applesauce as soon as it's in because we sold out last year. So don't be the last one!!
Today we finally got all the parts for the cider press and set up a trial pressing. Stop by for a sample and to get your fresh pressed juice! It's amazing how something so simple can take so long to do...it's only been on the list for 5 years now. But we're ready to move forward and I know Chris is planning some Hard Cider for the holidays...
I'll have pictures soon, couldn't find the connection this evening or maybe I'm just too tired.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Family Portrait

What a week. We're sorting and washing apples for applesauce. The pressing date is Monday, but we'll have to drive back out to the cannery and pick everything up later in the week. We need 150 bushels for a batch so all those people who want to buy cases this year are in luck! Kimes' is out in Biglersville, apple country for sure.
The new cider making equipment arrived this week and after a few phone calls we got the missing parts. Soooo, coming soon, our own cider. Yeah!!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Apple Time
This is the week the boys are doing all the end of season chores. They're tying up the new blackberry canes, amazing how much they grew this year!
Boys and Blackberries...
Gary planted strawberries on black plastic in the tunnels.
These will be our early, protected berries for next year. Gotta always try new ways to make this work.
The HoneyCrisp apples are everybody's favorite.
We have a nice supply as well as 6 other varieties right now.

Gary planted strawberries on black plastic in the tunnels.

The HoneyCrisp apples are everybody's favorite.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
End of Summer? No Way!!!

We are still picking summer fruit - peaches, nectarines, raspberries and blackberries. How can it be time for school to start? We did pick the first 3 apples - Zestar, Ginger Gold and Sansa.
This week we'll pick the Gala Apple. We're picking the JH Hale yellow peaches, still picking yellow Nectarines and the white peaches this week are NJ252 (before they named it) and
Lady Nancy. I like Lady N because it has a yellow racing stripe which seems very daring in a white peach!
We are missing our college kids - Hillary, Liz, Eric, Austin, Casey D. and Kaleigh but wishing them the best as they pursue their education. We still have "the boys" for a few more days - Michael, Michael and David - until High School starts. We should see about Home Schooling ...
Anyway Casey S.is here for a few weeks so be sure to say "HI" when you're here - and then it's just us Regulars.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
The first thing you see is the smoothie stand. Willie Cosner and Rose Johnson did an amazing job keeping everyone cool with strawberry/peach smoothies.
Move along to the craft table while waiting for your hayride.

Sydney worked on flowers and butterflies.
Casey did a great job for her first Festival!
Everyone seemed to have a good time.
Move along to the craft table while waiting for your hayride.

Sydney worked on flowers and butterflies.
Casey did a great job for her first Festival!
Everyone seemed to have a good time.
We had full participation on the hayrides and people enjoyed picking and eating peaches.
7 batches of peach and peach raspberry ice cream were consumed. Wow!
Thanks to all who volunteered their time. We couldn't have done it without you. The Hahn boys and Michael did an amazing job directing people to ripe peaches and keeping everything going smoothly.
One more testimony to having the best customers
we could hope for and a great team to work with.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Peaches are delicious!

The raspberries are coming full tilt and the blackberries have really sweetened up. We are definately planning on a good Peach Festival next Sat. the 15th. The Ernie's Choice should be really nice for picking if we leave them hanging this week. I know t-storms are forecast, but it'd be nice to just see some gentle rain this week instead. Bill Short has volunteered to lend his hay wagon again so we can do hayrides up to the peach orchard. All our friends and family are setting aside their Saturday plans to help out at the grill, entertainment, ice cream making and general being helpful. Thanks to all who have volunteered!!
Sam, Hillary, Casey, Chelsea and I finished the Tshirts for the festival.
This year we designed and printed our own. WOW!! They'll be available for sale on Saturday. Plan on spending some time seeing the farm and enjoying the day. We'll start around 9:30 and end around 4:30.

Gary says the Zestar apples are almost ready to pick!! These little trees have a huge apple crop...
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Donut Peaches!

We have yellow and white donuts. They are super sweet, fun to eat and only around for a week. Be sure to get by to try them.
While you're here say "hi" to Mr. Frog. He lives next to the parking lot in a puddle (one of many puddles these days) We haven't been able to get a picture of his roommate, but if you sneak up on them by the shed you can sometimes spot them both.
We're finally starting to pick the Red Haven peaches. These are the first of the main season yellows. There'll be more to follow in the next couple weeks.
While you're here say "hi" to Mr. Frog. He lives next to the parking lot in a puddle (one of many puddles these days) We haven't been able to get a picture of his roommate, but if you sneak up on them by the shed you can sometimes spot them both.

Thursday, July 23, 2009
It's been so LONG since it rained!

cobblers are coming for the weekend, so it's all good.
The boys look so cute in their rain gear -- off to pick white nectarines. 

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Bird Netting

Friday, July 17, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
Next year's strawberries.

Next on the list is to get all the strawberry beds renovated and ready for next year. Gary mows off the plants, then runs over the rows with the rototiller with the center tines removed. This narrows the rows back to the main plant. The newly planted strawberries are being hoed again. This random sunflower was too fun to hoe out so now it's blooming.
The Ginger Gold apple trees are in the background. They are usually early, around the second week of August.
We're waiting for the bird netting to arrive. It'll go over the blackberries first, then we'll figure out how to cover the raspberry tunnels.
The first Early Yellow Peaches are ready! We're open at the farm every day but Sunday. The Sugar May is the first white peach and we expect to pick that closer to the end of this week. It's still a little firm. White Nectarines are about 10 days out. 

Thursday, July 9, 2009
Salmon is in
What do we do while waiting for peaches? We've been weeding, and mowing and getting packages from Alaska. What? Yes, the smoked salmon has arrived from alaska and boy are we excited!! I know lots of people have been waiting for our shipment. See picture below...

We expect to pick some Peaches for Sat. and that should be the very beginning of 8 weeks of peach season.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Now what?

The farm stand is closed for the moment. We are picking the black raspberries, but they will all go into jam. I've decided we need more sour cherries. Gary will order the trees this week and we'll plant them this fall or next spring. Many people wanted sour cherries for their pies or to freeze- who would have thought that would be a hot item? I definately don't want to plant more sweet cherries, what a bother they are. I think we could do PYO pie cherries right after strawberries and everyone would be happy. They hardly have any bird damage and the rain only squished them a little. More to follow on that...
I once again tied up the blackberries and black raspberry bushes, they are growing like crazy! Obviously the rain is good for something. The early peaches are starting to color up and Gary thinks 10 days to 2 weeks, which is what I put on the sign out front. So we're good.
Have a happy 4th of July, we're planning to listen to the Riverside Symphonia at Tinicum. It's been a while since we were there but it's always amazing.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Cherries, will they survive the weather?
Weather, birds who would have thought it was such a pain to grow cherries? The earlier sweet cherries exploded from the rain. But we had a couple sunny days to sweeten the rest of the crop and ripen it. So yesterday Sam, Hillary and Casey picked about 100 quarts of cherries. Whooee!
We'll probably try to be open friday or saturday to sell them.
The sour cherry crop looks like just enough to make a couple batches of jam which would be great for the holidays. Of course, Gary wants to make sure he gets a couple pies, and the pie lady wants some as well so she can make some sour cherry pies for the market. If you didn't get any last year, you are missing something special!

The crew is working on thinning out the red raspberry plants in the tunnels. It could be a nice late August - September crop this year.

Gary and Mike H. were working in the orchard yesterday. The baby honey crisp trees needed to be tied to their stakes. They have a nice crop, also!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Hale loves strawberry season...
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Still Picking in spite of the rain.
Wow. We didn't start the ark, but we should have... luckily there's still lots of ripe fruit. We'll be open on Sunday 9-5 for PYO and also have some already picked in the store. Wear your rain boots and be ready to eat fruit!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
Strawberries begin.
We picked 50 quarts in 3 fields yesterday and then it rained 3/4 of an inch last night.
We'll wait a couple hours to scan the fields again. Luckily, the taste is wonderful and
reminds us why we wait so long for real strawberries. One advantage to not being
deep in berries is that we can get to work on the peach thinning. The peach crop looks
very nice, especially those donut peaches!
We'll wait a couple hours to scan the fields again. Luckily, the taste is wonderful and
reminds us why we wait so long for real strawberries. One advantage to not being
deep in berries is that we can get to work on the peach thinning. The peach crop looks
very nice, especially those donut peaches!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Blackberries get their turn to bloom.
They sure look pretty when they bloom. I can't believe how well everythings grown.
We picked 3 quarts of strawberries for Memorial Day so it'll be sometime this week that they will all start to color up. I'm predicting we'll have some for sale this coming weekend and maybe Pick your own starting June 1...they sure taste good after waiting so long.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Picking up Maple Syrup!

Well, with all the rain I couldn't do much planting anyway... so off to Vermont I went with Clara.
We drove to Brattleboro on Monday and on Tuesday headed off to Albany, Vt.(not quite to Canada) Sonya met us when we arrived and along with her boys helped us load all the maple syrup into the van. I got to see the Sugaring Shack and the Sugar Bush. What a beautiful place! Now we have enough syrup for the season. Last year we sold out, so we are starting out with a little extra this year. Luckily, Kittredge's had a good year for making syrup. This is a picture from along the road.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Strawberries Bloom
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
More blossoms...
The sour cherries look great! Guess we better figure out how to pit them....
New Strawberries are happy and ready to bloom...

OK, so a few days of 90 degree weather and we're in full bloom. Everything. The apples are all fluffy with puff balls of potential fruit.
We've been trying to brush the white nectarine blossoms to thin them out a bit, they look like azalea bushes! We did get through many of the donut peaches. If it doesn't rain tomorrow we can keep working our way through the Raritan Rose white peaches. Looks like this weekend will bring full bloom to the strawberries. Yeah!
We dug up the renegade blackberry runners and even got them planted. Now for a little rain for our "reserve" planting.
OK, so a few days of 90 degree weather and we're in full bloom. Everything. The apples are all fluffy with puff balls of potential fruit.
We've been trying to brush the white nectarine blossoms to thin them out a bit, they look like azalea bushes! We did get through many of the donut peaches. If it doesn't rain tomorrow we can keep working our way through the Raritan Rose white peaches. Looks like this weekend will bring full bloom to the strawberries. Yeah!
We dug up the renegade blackberry runners and even got them planted. Now for a little rain for our "reserve" planting.
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