Monday, October 19, 2009

busy, rainy week

Wow. We jumped ship last Sat and went to GA to visit my brother Doug and his family.
It's amazingly nice to leave town! We returned just as the rains arrived at the farm and managed to get some apples picked: the sun crisp, winesap, stayman and fuji.
We had the boys pick raspberries on Sat. while Gary drove to the Gettysburg area with our applesauce apples. 150 bushels of apples made the trek out and we hope to pick up our applesauce before the week is out. I know people are planning to get their applesauce as soon as it's in because we sold out last year. So don't be the last one!!
Today we finally got all the parts for the cider press and set up a trial pressing. Stop by for a sample and to get your fresh pressed juice! It's amazing how something so simple can take so long to's only been on the list for 5 years now. But we're ready to move forward and I know Chris is planning some Hard Cider for the holidays...
I'll have pictures soon, couldn't find the connection this evening or maybe I'm just too tired.

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